2022年世界杯预选赛Setra Systems拥有一系列为数据中心设计的产品和销售给数据中心的产品。从用于设备冷却系统的工业压力传感器到具有连续监测的高精度环境传感器,Setra帮助保持数据流动和在线。
Setra's capacitive sensing technology and long history of high quality products gives reliable, high accuracy pressure measurement. Our stainless steel diaphragms are compatible with all refrigerants and can measure gage, absolute or differential pressure. We manufacture in the USA and can customize almost any aspect of our products to fit your needs.
Continuously monitor your data center to ensure the environment stays within spec. Our proprietary software can pull information from many external sensors to give you a live look. You can also trend data and set alerts if parameters go out of spec.
Monitor the temperature, humidity, and other environmental parameters in your data center or network closet with high accuracy and stability sensors from Setra. Being able to incorporate remote probes into data center racks helps to provide the insight into the environmental conditions needed to keep your network up and running.
Over 50 years of engineering excellence
Over 10,000,000 installs worldwide
Made in the USA
98% on time delivery
159 Swanson Road Boxborough, MA 01719 |978-263-1400|orders@setra.com