Can a Particle Counter Communicate on my Existing Network?

May 22, 2019

When selecting a particle counter, it is necessary to consider what building automation network it can communicate with. Examining the available options helps to ensure the particle counter will connect to your existing network.

Whether or not a particle counter will communicate on your existing network is contingent on 2 factors:

  • The model of particle counter under consideration
  • The building automation network you have in place

Setra provides multiple options for communication network with our particle counters. Our SPC5000, SPC7000, SPC8000, AQM5000, and AQM7000 particle counters all come standard with an intuitive touchscreen interface and ethernet. USB communications. All functions of the particle counter can be controlled via USB or ethernet connection to a PC or on the touchscreen of the unit. Sample data can also be reviewed on the screen, printed out on the optional thermal printer accessory, or reviewed on a PC using the included Instrument Management Software (IMS).

根据您的应用程序,Setra的粒子计数器有额外的通信网络控制和访问样本数据的选项。Setra的粒子计数器和空气质量监测器可以通过可选的无线802.11 b/g、Modbus RS485或Modbus RS232连接轻松集成到建筑自动化和设施监测系统中。

Continuous airborn particle counting - email header - AQM7000

Topics:Critical Environments,Particle Counting