Case Study: Ensuring Accuracy in Any Environment with the AXD

December 17, 2019

Mechanical equipment requires precise elements to ensure the system works properly. Without accurate components, a mechanical system can't function. Manufacturers of such systems are reliant on the producers of the components for their equipment. The manufacturer in question provides a mechanical system used in all climate conditions across the globe; in this application, accurate readings within a short system operation time are critical.

Although the manufacturer had a supplier for industrial pressure transducers, they continuously faced supply issues and were searching for a more stable supplier on which to rely. In looking for a new supplier, they were also interested in finding a transducer with better accuracy over a longer period of time. AnIP67environmental rating was also vital so the sensor could survive the varied and harsh conditions it might encounter. To replace their previous sensor, a new transducer needed to have a wide temperature range and an M12 4 pin connector.

TheAXD之所以选择它来满足这一需求,是因为它具有广泛的操作配置,可以满足几乎任何苛刻的应用和环境;以前,只有在组合不同的供应商和产品线时才能使用这种灵活性。具有0.25%的精度和较短的交货时间,AXD比制造商使用的以前的传感器更容易获得和更准确。IP67等级意味着AXD可以防止固体物体进入传感器,并且可以在浸入水中短暂生存。AXD广泛的温度工作范围,从-40°C到125°C,有助于确保机械系统在世界上任何地方都能准确工作。While many sensors don't support an M12 4 pin connector or will require a custom order for it, the M12 4 pin connector is a readily-available option on the AXD.

Topics:Case Study