How can Employees Contaminate a Clean Environment?

March 09, 2017

It is commonly known that gowning procedures andair flow requirementsare essential to maintaining a sterileclean roomenvironment. Workers and operators don’t realize how crucial employee training is and the enormous impact employees have with the sanitation of the cleanroom. Unfortunately, humans are considered to be the biggestthreat to the cleanroomand the largest source for contaminants, accounting for 75% to 80% of particles and microbes generated in a room. Understanding how personnel create particles and microbes or bring in contaminants, can help structure proper employee training, greatly bringing down the risk forclean environmentcontamination.

1. Human Generated

Humans can emit particles and microbesbigstock-HAZMAT-team-with-stretcher-and-65375563.jpg无意中,自然地或通过体育活动自然地,人类可以通过打喷嚏、唾液、油脂、头发和皮肤排出微生物,向空气中释放颗粒(表1)。一个成年人每天可以失去6-14克死皮物质,每4天可以失去一整层皮肤,相当于每天失去10万个颗粒。意外粒子释放的最大来源来自于身体活动。大多数空气中的颗粒会在行走时沿洁净室人员的衣领或腿部向下移动(表2)。在洁净室中,成年人静止(穿完整的衣服)时每分钟产生10万个颗粒,行走时每分钟产生100万个颗粒。一个人在房间里越活跃,他们组成和释放的粒子就越多。Even the speed which they walk through the cleanroom can triple the emitted particles and also change the dynamics of the room by traveling faster than the natural air flow.

2. External Environment1.jpg

Personnel can accidently bring in particle contaminants through outside materials. Many personnel don’t realize cosmetics (Table 3),perfumes, colognes, deodorants, and loti2.jpg离子都能在无形中向空气中排放分子,危害洁净室。除了穿戴的梳妆台产品外,工作人员也可以通过不适当的洁净室服装污染房间。必须提前制定更衣规程,以避免频繁更换西装、罩衫或其他服装,以最大限度地降低更衣不足和释放服装碎片(绒毛、纤维、etc.).



CLICK HEREto learn about other contaminants in cleanroom.

Topics:Critical Environments,Building Automation